3 New Updates!

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Ok everyone, we have some news things to show you!

1. There is now a “Fan Fun Stuff” page, which (so far) goes to the graphics, and Dress Like Cozi section, where you can see where to buy clothes that Cozi wears! There is nothing in it yet, but we will be adding info/links soon!

2. Cozi’s favorite movies! Dolphin Tale, Hugo, The Chronicles of Narnia 1 and 3, Bridge to Terabithia, National Treasure 1 and 2.

3. We have a new video of Cozi in a short film called “The Journal” which is about 6 minutes long. It will be posted soon!

1 thought on “3 New Updates!

  1. Aditi

    I watched the tarlior and its refreshing to see a powerful movie that will guide our kids toward God and healthy principles. We dont even go to the movies that much because of the bad language. Thank you for making a difference and beng obidient to Our Sav.ior, Jesus Christ


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